Entrepreneurship Course awarded by National Agency of ERASMUS+ as an example of GOOD PRACTICE

Piotr Wołejsza

Technical support
piotr [at] science4people.eu

Tatiana Tchemisova

Support in “Idea/concept of the project” part
tatiana [at] ua.pt

Veneta Hristova

Support in “Idea/concept verified” part
vhristova [at] ts.uni-vt.bg

Wojciech Rośkiewicz

Support in “First prototype exists and is ready for tests” part
wojciech.roskiewicz [at] uni-leipzig.de

Juha Tuominen

Support in “Tests of prototype performed and ready to market deployment” part
juha.tuominen [at] tuni.fi

Bogusz Wiśnicki

b.wisnicki [at] pm.szczecin.pl