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Create your own way
1. BMC - Business Model Canvas
2. VPD - Value Proposition Design
3.1. First customer
3.1.1. Empathy map
3.1.2. Persona
3.2. Main assumptions
3.2.1. Critical hypothesis
3.2.2. Success criteria
3.3. Testing assumptions / hypothesis
3.3.1. Impostor Judo
3.3.2. Pre-selling
3.3.3. Fake Ad
3.3.4. Data sheet
3.3.5. Brochure
3.3.6. Product Box
3.3.7. Storyboard
3.3.8. Mockup
3.3.9. Paper Prototype
3.3.10. Digital Mockup
3.3.11. Landing Page
3.3.12. Fake Button
3.3.13. Waiting List
3.3.14. Video Trailer
3.3.15. A/B test
3.3.16. Playthrough
3.3.17. Wizard of Oz
4. Customer development
Etc. in accordance with the course table of contents
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Our last meeting date - Dec. 11, 2020 09:30 am.
Let's continue our interactive journey through the world of knowledge:
Idea/concept verified
First prototype exists and ready for tests
Tests of prototype performed and ready to market deployment
Product on the market and need to scale-up
I need assistance.
I'd like to end my journey for today.
I need assistance.
I'd like to end my journey for today.
I need assistance.
I'd like to end my journey for today.
if YES - bot shows nex step.
if NO - bot shows: Thank you for your attention. I am learning all the time so I would be grateful for evaluating my help.
Teachers schedule
Elisabeth Kowalski
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
123 123 123
Jack McBert
Wednesday - Friday
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
321 321 321
Aurora Smith
Tuesday - Wednesday
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
300 421 000
William Connor
Wednesday - Friday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
300 421 000
About project
Project title: BOT-Learning as a modern teaching method of GEN Z
Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081777
The leader of the consortium: Science4People sp. z o.o.
Partners of the project:
- Veliko Tarnovo University – Bulgaria,
- Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland,
- Leipzig University – Germany,
- Maritime University of Szczecin – Poland,
- University of Aveiro – Portugal.

Associated partner:
- University of Luxembourg – Luxembourg,
- Northern Business School – Germany,
- University of the Aegean – Greece.
The project period: 01/09/2020- 30/06/2023
The total budget: 288.186,00 euro
The source of funding: Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, ERASMUS+, Foundation for the Development of the Education System
The digital age is entering every area of our lives, including education at each level. Young people are more and more willing to look for knowledge on the Internet. Traditional lectures, paper textbooks and even e-learning materials are often not attractive to them. Generation Z, who is currently in high school and university education, is more likely to "talk" via instant messaging or chats, rather than having a conversation. The textual form of communication is also used to gain knowledge and develop skills. Young people prefer short texts, photos, games, stories and step-by-step instructions presented in a fun way. The MELES-BOT project is trying to meet this very strong trend.
The aim of the project is to develop an educational chatbot to conduct an entrepreneurship course. The innovative BOT-learning educational method is based on the use of tools such as chatbot (virtual teacher) and chat (text or conversation with a real educator). This means using channels commonly used by GEN-Z and filling them with proven and useful content. Given the fact that there are many unverified sources on the Internet, providing verified knowledge is crucial.
The results of the MELES-BOT project fit directly into the mainstream of transformation of the education system, i.e. education 4.0, which uses technology-based tools and resources to implement the education process in a non-traditional way. Its goal is, inter alia, providing basic skills and key competences to pupils and students who will create the Industry 4.0 staff. The digital competences acquired by teachers will help educate young people digital skills.
MELES-BOT also gives equal opportunities in access to education. Thanks to remote access, all those who, for various reasons, cannot attend face-to-face classes will have equal educational opportunities. Remote access also plays an important role in crisis situations (e.g. in a pandemic) when direct classes are suspended.
The entrepreneurship course is just an example, but it is a very eloquent example as more and more students take part in such courses.
Our horizontal goal is not only to present this particular course, but to convince the academic community to use the BOT-learning methodology to run other courses in the future.
Office of the Project
Website editorial staff
For technical queries please contact - bot@science4people.eu
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